
2022年6月22日—UltimateWindowsTweaker4.8forWindows10hasbeendevelopedbyParasSidhu,,32-bit&64-bit.,2023年6月20日—DownloadlatestversionofUltimateWindowsTweaker5.1forWindows11-Judgedasthebestfreetweakingsoftwaretotweak&customize ...,2023年7月3日—All-in-onerepairtooltohelpfixalargemajorityofknownWindowsproblemsincludingregistryerrorsandfilepermissions...

Download Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10

2022年6月22日 — Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4.8 for Windows 10 has been developed by Paras Sidhu, for It supports Windows 10, 32-bit & 64-bit.

Ultimate Windows Tweaker 5 for Windows 11

2023年6月20日 — Download latest version of Ultimate Windows Tweaker 5.1 for Windows 11 - Judged as the best free tweaking software to tweak & customize ...

Ultimate Windows Tweaker Download Free

2023年7月3日 — All-in-one repair tool to help fix a large majority of known Windows problems including registry errors and file permissions as well as issues ...

Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Windows 11 5.1

2023年6月21日 — You can change Windows Privacy settings and disable Telemetry, Biometrics, Advertising ID, Bing search, Cortana, Windows Update sharing, ...

Winaero Tweaker

It is an all-in-one application that comes with dozens of options for fine-grained tuning of various Windows settings and features. It also includes most ...


This Toolbox was made with the intentions of making it easier to reinstall, download programs, and tweak windows fully with a couple of steps to make your ...

《Ultimate Windows Tweaker》

2023年6月22日 — 《Ultimate Windows Tweaker》是一款用於調整和優化Windows 作業系統的工具。透過審慎而明智的調整,只需按幾下滑鼠即可使您的系統更快、更穩定、更 ...


《Ultimate Windows Tweaker》是一款專為調整和優化Windows作業系統而設計的強大工具。這個軟體提供了一系列審慎而明智的調整選項,讓使用者只需按幾下滑鼠,就能使 ...

WPD Privacy dashboard for Windows 隱私設定工具

WPD Privacy dashboard for Windows 隱私設定工具
